About Us
Date Book
Archive / Museum
German Pages
About us - The history of the B.F.H.
Although not founded till 1994, the origins of our club go back to the year 1981. At that time two of our foundation members photographed at Schleissheim Airfield in detail the historic maintenance hangar (Flugwerft Schleissheim) dating from 1918 and the old terminal (Flugplatzwache) dating from 1912. In the years to follow, the efforts to preserve these buildings were the centre of the activities. With the opening of the museum Flugwerft Schleissheim, a department of the Deutsches Museum in September 1992, these activities came to an end.
On this background, in April 1994, it was due time to leave old habits and founding the Bayerische Flugzeug Historiker e.V. (Bavarian Aviation Historians) as an organizational platform that on one hand brings forward the development of the museum airfield and on the other hand documentates the whole Bavarian aviation history in an appropriate way, for further generations.

The old maintenance hangar in 1981
Project based working
Our work is very much based on projects, that means in our club exist several
workgroups who mainly work on selected
themes of Bavarian aviation history.
Make aviation history accessible for public
Aviation history shall not stay expert knowledge for insiders.
It shall become more and more accessible for the interested public.
Therefore we invite regularly to public to our own events and participe on various
events with our information booth, e.g. in the museum Flugwerft Schleissheim,
on air shows and model exhibitions.
The exact dates can be found in our
date book for events and the announcements of the daily press.

Guided tour around Schleissheim Airfield.
Your contact to us
The contact address is in the Impressum
Membership fees
Active members:
single membership
family membership
40 € / year
60 € / year
Fördernde Mitglieder:
single membership
family membership
single membership outside EU
40 € / Jahr
60 € / Jahr
50 US$ / Jahr
Reduceed fees (16 €/year) for pupils, students, pensioners, etc. possible.
Please enquire at our address.
Registration and Qualification
The Bayerische - Flugzeug - Historiker e.V. (Bavarian - Aviation - Historians;
abbrevation: B.F.H.) are registered at the Amtsgericht Muenchen under the
No 14754 and qualified as non-profit organisation under
No. 143/211/10240
(resp. 842/24165 until November 11th, 2006) by
Finanzamt Muenchen fuer Koerperschaften.
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